Song Pick of the Day
New Songs from PRISMA, Lauren Mia, high jump, Mieke Miami, Hamish Anderson, frances mistry, and Barley Passable

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“Lost” is a rousing synth-pop piece, complete with a children’s choir. It is the final single off the debut album by Danish duo PRISMA, Something to Respond to, out now. The songs “are musical fragments, gut feelings, snapshots, intuitions and at the same time the album has a shared mantra; how every movement and energy is connected to the bigger picture and affects the world we live in,” the sisters say.
We keep the energy level with LA-based producer Lauren Mia. “Frisson” is the first song after her 2023 debut full-length Re: Birth. Expect highly danceable beats with a motivational lyric that can pull you out of a slump. “Frisson is that sudden chill, the spark along your skin when awe or beauty strikes deep,” Lauren explains.
Time to chill: The UK duo high jump names many reference points for their new song “Avenue,” and yacht rock, the feelgood 70s/80s subgenre is one of them. The song is about nostalgia: “a childhood memory that crystallises from the abstract introspections in the verses,” the band says.
The German multi-instrumentalist Mieke Miami is working on her third album Birdland, out in early fall. This first single, “Whispering Pines,” showcases her sophisticated fusion of electronic and acoustic instruments. The result is a relaxed track that invites you to dream of a few days in the summer sun.
The Australian guitarist Hamish Anderson set out “to create a big unapologetic heavy rock song.” So he came up with “Late in the Evening,” a sexy track about nighttime seduction.
The Brighton, England singer/songwriter frances mistry says her final goodbye to her late grandmother. Her new song “letters” is a deeply moving and beautiful celebration of the life of a loved one who will always stay with you in your memories.
“Dial Tone” was “made with so many amazing friends and across such a long period of time,” the Australian duo Barley Passable recalls about their latest song. You know what they say about too many cooks, but in this case, all those different ingredients lead to an intriguing production that sounds both nostalgic and contemporary.
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