Bar Pandora - The Model

“The Model” is the beautifully lush and absolutely mesmerizing new single by composer, singer, writer, and producer Bar Pandora. It’s pretty cool how UK alt-pop artist Charlie Tophill came to her stage name Bar Pandora: Charlie used to gather with her friends in a literacy cafe of the same name in Madrid, where they were talking literature, life, and feminism over red wine and fizzy sweets. In 2o21, she started Bar Pandora as her musical project, exploring life’s possibilities amidst self-imposed limitation and baseless inhibition. About her new single “The Model,” Charlie offers the following insight and sound advice:
“I hear a lot about toxic positivity, but as someone who grew up in challenging circumstances with a lot of anxiety around me, I’ve always known the opposite problem. I don’t think you should ignore or deny bad experiences, but you shouldn’t model your whole identity around them either. Don’t constantly remind yourself that you’re damaged. You’ll only feel hopeless.”
Listen to “The Model,” our Song Pick of the Day:
Check out the lyric video too:
Connect with Bar Pandora and add “The Model” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic: