Song Pick of the Day
Seven songs from Winter, Victoria Bigelow, Emilee More, Tom Jenkins, Rose Brokenshire, Niamh Regan, and The Exact Opposite

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Welcome to our first Monday edition of the glamglare newsletter. This is designed to kick off your week with seven new songs from artists you may still need to hear about. You can follow along with our weekly YouTube playlist or like our Spotify Playlist which contains 50-ish songs and is updated daily.
The Nashville singer/songwriter Victoria Bigelow is concerned about the well-being of kids: “The world tries to rob them of hope the minute they’re born and it often wins,” she says. Growing up has always come with challenges, but the rapid advance of technology arguably makes it harder to find your bearings. “This song is just me wanting to talk about it,” explains Victoria about her new track “The Kids.”
Tom Jenkins is a shepherd and a singer/songwriter in Wales, U.K. Thinking of it, this is a winning combination: being in nature, watching over these gentle animals, and having time to reflect on life and the world. Add a drummer, and you get beautiful songs like “Blame It” from this experience.
The Canadian musician Rose Brokenshire draws her inspiration from more extreme activities. “Type Two” captures the experience of hiking up a mountain for eight hours in a finger-numbing cold just to ski down again. Maybe that’s your thing too; for me, listening to this chill and sun-drenched song is as close as I ever want to get to backcountry skiing.
Emilee Moore’s last breakup happened in a white Mazda truck in 2021. When she says about her new track “Hanging On”, “Hearts can take a long time to heal and that’s okay!” we wonder if it is still about the same experience. So, if heartbreak is still lingering painfully in your mind, this sweeping, emotional song is for you.
The new song by Samira Winter comes from a “stream of conscious improvisation,” and the title “Sallow” reflects the overall sonic quality. The track lures you into a strange, dim-lit world, with Samira’s faint vocals being a friendly guide.
The next song could not be more different, even though it might have been written in a similar way. “It was about something different, but then I decided what I wanted it to be about and I’ve never had such a stream of lyrics,” says singer Jamie Stuart of The Exact Opposite. “Look At Him Go!” is about aging superheroes, which “is really about the death of the hero inside you.”
Being too nice is often considered a weakness. The new track by Irish musician Niamh Regan puts this into perspective. Yes, “the only person getting in your way is yourself,” but are you really chasing the right dreams? There is a lot of drama in “Nice,” courtesy of a bass-heavy production and Niamh’s on-the-edge vocals.