Song Pick of the Day
New Songs from Camille Schmidt, Eli & Fur, Lesibu Grand, Eden Rain, Eli & Fur, Jenny Newman, and Holly Munro

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Are you ready for a hefty dose of feel-good? In her debut single, “Brighter Than the Sun,” LA singer/songwriter Beya writes love letters to her family and herself. The song and the video radiate joy and gratitude and remind you to appreciate what you have and have become.
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NYC singer/songwriter Camille Schmidt makes fresh, lively indie rock in the veins of Cherry Glazrr or Illuminati Hotties. She recently released a new EP Good Person. “This EP is very much about struggle, about process – specifically the process of becoming,” Camille says. In “Wake Up,” she addresses the inner fight of sticking around or doing the scary step of breaking out.
A song named “Anarchy” takes you back to the 70s heyday of punk and Atlanta band Lesibu Grand does not trick you. Short, powerful, and loud, the band takes on a classic punk theme of not letting the establishment suppress you. Lesibu Grand releases their debut album Triggered on Kill Rock Stars.
The London-based singer/songwriter Eden Rain plays it a bit slower after the smacking beats of her first songs. Lyrically, though, she is pointy as ever. “Palo Alto” is “about the unfairness of having things that you like ruined by people you don’t like,” and she does not hold back from expressing her unhappiness about that.
Eliza Noble and Jennifer Skillman have been DJing and producing music together since 2012 under the name Eli & Fur. Dreamscapes is the name of their new album, out on September 27 via [PIAS] Électronique, and it also describes their music: lounge-ready, danceable music to dream away a sunset at the pool. Their new song “My Reflection” is “blurring the lines between what is real and what is not – is it something you should let go of, or is it something worth fighting for.”
With “Guardian Angel” LA singer/songwriter Jenny Newman takes on the second of the five love languages, quality time, which she connects with her late grandfather. She also addresses coping with loss in a beautifully intimate way. “This song reflects not only the pain of losing him but also my journey of exploring my own spirituality,” she says.
“I wrote on my favorite nylon guitar, after moments of meditation or reflection sitting on my bed,” recalls Irish singer/songwriter Holly Munro about the making of her new EP Crescendo Ending. The last song on the record, “First Prize,” deals with the desire to find the big picture.