NEW MUSIC: W. H. Lung - Really Something! (Video)

Watching the video to the stunning “Really Something!” (“Nothing Is”) it is impossible not to draw comparisons with the awesomeness and fascinating vibe of Radiohead’s Live From The Basement videos. Manchester indie-electronic rockers W. H. Lung are truly onto something with their new video, live recorded at the Victoria Baths in Longsight, Manchester. Oh, this massive natural reverb!
The video in its straightforwardness is never taking away from the mesmerizing vibe of “Really Something!” but enhances its dynamic. Musically, I’d place W. H. Lung somewhere between Boxed In and LCD Soundsystem. Was I already enthralled by W. H. Lung’s debut single “Inspiration!” (#glamglarepick), I am now completely sold with “Really Something!” because here’s a band that will find their well deserved large audience very, very soon!
If you’re in Manchester, go see their debut live show tonight, for the rest of us, there’s the “Really Something!” video:
The video is the live recording for W. H. Lung’s single “Nothing Is”: