Tessa Rose Jackson - Stick In The Mud

"Stick In The Mud" by Tessa Rose Jackson sounds familiar and fresh simultaneously, thanks to its classic cinematic feel paired with gritty guitars and Tessa's soothing vocals. It's a song that wraps you in a warm, sonic blanket but shakes you every now and then to ensure you're not dosing off because it just feels so good!
About the recording, Tessa says:
“How often do you get to record a classic Hollywood string ensemble for an indie song? Not often, I’ll tell you! The song has an almost tongue-in-cheek melodrama to it, so we thought: let’s push it all the way. We combined two worlds that, in our minds, epitomise the word drama: the sweeping romantic strings of old Hollywood movies with the grungy chug of Elliott Smith band tracks."
The track was co-written with Milo of the Dutch trio The Shells, and Tessa reveals further:
"It's a sultry, no-bullshit love song for a friend in the throes of heartbreak. Forget me not, your stick-in-the-mud / Might be old news, but I know you."
Listen to "Stick In The Mud," our Song Pick of the Day:
Stick In The Mud, by Tessa Rose Jackson
from the album A Mirror Sometimes

Connect with Tessa Rose Jackson and add "Stick In The Mud" to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube. Listen to our Song Pick of the Day on Spotify or Apple Music.