SONG PICK: Hoodlem - Last Night

Like Wednesday’s Song Pick of the Day, this song is anything but straight-forward. Toronto musician Hoodlem serves a wild concoction of sounds and beats that somehow come together into an appealing future pop track. It may be her vocals and the familiar R&B hooks that hold the song together and invite you to sing along.
Fittingly the topic of the song is conflicted feelings in the very early stages of a potential relationship, as Hoodlem explains:
“Last Night” is the afterward of a night with someone you’re into and you can’t stop thinking about that person, you replay it all over in your head and it drives you a little crazy. I think that “not knowing where you stand with someone” feeling is kind of stressful but also fuels this half excited anxiety and that’s the feeling I was going through when I wrote this.
Her EP “Teenager” is expected to be out soon.
Listen to “Last Night” on SoundCloud or Spotify: