SONG PICK: Eliza Shaddad - Blossom (Video)

One year into the pandemic, it feels like we’ve seen it all before. The Zoom-inspired band videos or the ones with piling one video editing effect onto the other. It is possible, though, to create something blissfully refreshing like the Eliza Shaddad just did with her music video to her gorgeous new single “Blossom.”
The utterly charming video is directed by Jodie Canwell and Eliza herself. It makes us want to join Eliza in the bathtub with her plants (no water, fully clothed!), nosh on pistachio ice cream, and exchange childhood stories. The good kind. “Blossom” is effortlessly dreamy and very sweet, and offers a heavy dose of instant happiness.
At glamglare, we are long-time fans of the Sudanese-Scottish artist and remember fondly SXSW 2019, when Eliza was part of our official showcase – packed room, excited audience and all! Enjoy “Blossom,” our Song Pick of the Day:
Connect with Eliza Shaddad on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and add “Blossom” to your playlist as we are adding it to our glamglarepick playlist on Spotify:
Photo credit: Jodie Canwell