Q&A with High Waisted

On the heel of a terrific split single “Free Throw” & “Firebomb”, a hot video and an extensive North American tour, culminating in a headline show at Brooklyn’s Rough Trade NYC, we thought it only adequate to learn a little more about High Waisted. To set the mood, let’s listen to the two new singles of these super rad New York-based rockers.
This feels sp incredibly good! Despite all the yellow and brown leaves covering New York City streets, Summer is back in a snap with the easy flow of “Free Throw” and the sunshine like warmth of “Firebomb”.
We are thrilled that High Waisted’s lead singer and guitarist Jessica Dye found the time to answer our questions. Thank you, Jessica:
Q: What was the last song that got stuck in your head?
A: Flagpole Sitta by Harvey Danger
Q: What was the first album you have ever bought? Digital, vinyl, CD or cassette tape?
A: My mom got me a subscription to one of those mail-order cd clubs. The first selections I can recall were Goo Goo Dolls and Sugar Ray!
Q: Do you still possess this album?
A: Sadly, no. I wish I had them on vinyl – they would make great throwbacks during a DJ set.
Q: Is there a song you’d like to cover?
A: I’d love to finally learn all the words to “Ca Plan Pour Moi”.
Q: What’s your songwriting process like? What comes first, melody or lyrics?
A: First comes an extreme feeling, be it pain, loneliness or joy. I’ll fill notebooks with thoughts and forget about them. Then a melody will pop into my mind – usually at the least opportune time (in the shower, jogging, making out). I’ll open the notebook to a page and the theme of lyrics will find the melody. They get to choose, not me.
Q: Where would you love to perform live one day?
A: Outer space. Or elementary schools all over the world.
Q: Remember your first rock concert? Who was it?
A: Steve Miller Band. I had a big yellow sign that read “HELLO”. He totally said hello back!
Q: If you could have any musical instrument in the world, which one would it be and why?
A: David Byrne turned an entire house into a musical instrument. I would like that house please.
Q: If you could choose to live in a decade (music, style, etc.) which one would it be?
A: The 1970s in London so I could be best friends with Viv Albertine, Chrissie Hynde and Vivienne Westwood and shop at Sex. I’d play punk rock and wear Dr Martens and tease my hair huge.
Again, thanks so much Jessica for your time! Learned quite a lot by checking out your answers and I especially love that your lyrics find the melody. Sounds kind of romantic, even.
Go see High Waisted live, while still on tour and make sure to catch them when they headline Rough Trade NYC on 11/04/11. Can’t wait, see you there!
To get a taste of what might be on stage when seeing the quartet live, watch the sizzling video to “Firebomb”:
Photo by: Brittany Halberg